Latin band Kaschee Party - band - Salsa band - Cuban band - Wedding band

Latin band Kaschee Party - band - Salsa band - Cuban band - Wedding band


"About Us"

About Us!

With an intoxicating character, the Latin band Kaschee transforms your parties, celebrations and Corporate events to an unforgettable getaway to the Caribbean. We are professionals Latin American musicians. Rhythm is in our blood and at the same time we have professionals Go through training on our instruments. Should the audience not be familiar with be Latin music and dance, we can also offer you a crash course. Animation stands by in the foreground and we invite your guests to participate. We not only play salsa with enthusiasm but also bachata, cha-cha-cha, merengue, Son (Cuban music), boleros, cumbia, bossanova, latin jazz, rumba, latin oldies (eg Buena Vista Social Club, Gipsy Kings, Italian plays) etc. The repertoire is quite varied according to your individual wishes. There is always a rousing Latin American atmosphere guaranteed! The stage program lasts about 2-3 hours (4 sets of 45 minutes each) - but it can also be can be flexibly expanded upon request after consultation. We perform throughout Germany! Our standard line-up consists of four musicians - they can be expanded as desired. Our two singers Xiana Fernandez and Carlos Sanchez stand We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and advise you on your event.

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